Our community does not have enough community services for teens. Most
community service programs that are available are widespread in the city.
Teens need programs in their neighborhoods.

Leaving children and youth unsupervised, either after school from 3:30 to
6:30 PM or when school is not in session, leads to negative behavior such
as crime, substance abuse, delinquency, and early sexual encounters.

The impact of adolescent substance abuse, juvenile crime, teen pregnancy
and parenting put a heavy financial and social burden on the community.
Youth who become involved in alcohol and illicit drug abuse, juvenile crime,
and those who become teen parents have a high rate of truancy, school
failure, drop out and inability to enter the workforce. Often, they become a
burden on the health care system, the justice system and the welfare system
resulting in irresponsible and lack of self-sufficient tax paying citizens.

Our Community Centers are safe havens of community services and
support programs. Youth have various programs such as counseling,
computer classes, and recreational games. Our Community Action Group
has found that most teens become problem teens because they do not have
anything else to do. These community services and support programs
causes teens to have positive attitudes that keep them from becoming
troubled teens.